Catering Services
Welcome to Catering Services at Binghamton University Dining Services. Our combined team of catering and event planning professionals will work in close partnership with you to deliver the highest level of food quality and service to assure the success of your event. BUDS’ philosophy is based on providing a meeting and dining environment that is specialized not only to meet but also to exceed your expectations.
Order your next event through our online system, CaterTrax. Managing your online account is easy and convenient, visit CaterTrax to set up your account, view the menu, place your order, submit changes to an existing order, and even repeat past orders! Please keep in mind that the menu items and services included on this site are a sampling of what we can do for you. Should your event require unique services or special diet considerations, we will tailor our offerings to meet your needs. Please direct any questions or concerns to binghamtoncatering.usa@sodexo.com or call the Catering Office at 607.777.2925. Please place your order at least 10 business days in advance of your event.
University Food Policy & Off-Campus Vendor Requests
All food and beverages served on campus must be provided through BUDS, with limited exceptions, such as an event where food and beverage costs under $200, or in the case where specialty food or support of local establishments is in the best interest of the University. Exceptions over $200 must be approved by BUDS through the use of a Request for Waiver for BUDS-provided Food and Beverage. Click here to learn more about the University Food Policy.
Off-Campus Vendor Request for Catered Events Form